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Dust & Fume Control

Safe Combustible Dust Explosion Isolation with the NEW and IMPROVED REMBE® EXKOP® system

May 12, 2022

REMBE® is a leader in the innovation of high-quality combustible dust explosion protection safety systems. A safe and effective means of isolating enclosures must be an integral component of such a system.  The NEW and IMPROVED REMBE® EXKOP® isolation system is available for many more applications such as ST 2 dusts, reduced explosion pressures (Pred)…


Controlling Atmospheric Hazards in Confined Spaces

May 11, 2022

By: Douglas Niemtschk, Contributor Understanding the principles of ventilation when controlling atmospheric hazards in a confined space is critical for any crew working inside that space.  The use of proper, mechanical ventilation is a key control measure that helps ensure the air being breathed by the entrants is clean and safe. This article discusses the…


Combustible Dust Explosions: Are You at Risk?

May 11, 2022

By: Tim Turney, Contributor Between 1980 and 2005, the U.S Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) identified 281 combustible dust incidents that ultimately led to the death of 119 workers and 718 injured workers, on top of extensive damage to the respective facilities. In many of these incidents, both managers and workers were unaware…


Maximize Safety When Working With Combustible Dust

May 11, 2022

By: Andy Thomason, Contributor All it takes for a dust explosion to occur at your facility is for oxygen, an ignition source, and a combustible dust cloud to come together in a confined space. If your operation generates dust, you probably already have some mitigation processes in place. However, to ensure that your efforts are…


Safe Combustible Dust Explosion Isolation with the NEW and IMPROVED REMBE® EXKOP® System

December 7, 2021

REMBE® is a leader in the innovation of high-quality combustible dust explosion protection safety systems. A safe and effective means of isolating enclosures must be an integral component of such a system.  The NEW and IMPROVED REMBE® EXKOP® isolation system is available for many more applications such as ST 2 dusts, reduced explosion pressures (Pred)…


Comprehensive Combustible Dust Explosion Protection New methods of Explosion Pressure Relief: REMBE® TARGO-VENT

November 18, 2021

Comprehensive combustible dust explosion protection does not necessarily have to be expensive or complicated. An innovative technology makes it possible to divert the shock wave and flames of an explosion in a controlled manner. The result: the required safety area is reduced, so valuable usable area is increased and personnel/equipment are protected from the explosion’s…


For Safety’s Sake: Managing Industrial Dust and Fumes

November 16, 2021

By: Jon Ladwig, Contributor Many industrial manufacturing and processing applications produce dangerous airborne dust or fumes. Facility operators must be diligent in controlling these particles to ensure the health and safety of workers and to maintain regulatory compliance. Dust consists of fine particles of dry, solid matter that are carried in the air and eventually…


Combustible Dust Explosion Protection: Flameless Venting

October 12, 2021

As a pioneer in developing explosion venting systems, REMBE® has fundamentally changed the world of explosion protection.  Since the invention of the Q-Rohr over 30 years ago, REMBE® has pushed flameless vents to their limits. This has led to the development of a family of flameless vents that satisfy multiple applications across many industries. Whether…


NFPA 61 or NFPA 68 Combustible Dust Explosion Protection of Industrial Bucket Elevators

September 16, 2021

By Payton Ball, BSME, Regional Sales Manager, REMBE® Inc. Let’s say you are a Project Engineer for a pet food production facility.  You’ve recently hired a consultant to conduct a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA), according to NFPA 61, Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities, rev. 2020…


Combustible Dust Standard: NFPA 652

August 3, 2021

Sponsored By “The NFPA 652 – 2019 standard provide us with Fundamentals of combustible dust knowledge that we use when recommending solutions to our dust collection customers in the packaging industry. We reference NFPA 652 – 2019 as our starting point when discussing explosion protection strategies and equipment design with our customers. This is one…