Foamed Eyewear for Eye & Face Protection

Eye and face protection is one of the most commonly used personal protective products in industry. According to the CNIB, of an estimated 1,000 eye injuries in North American workplaces each day, about 5% of those injuries will be “debilitating enough to interfere with work on a short-or long-term basis.”

Legislation and the Health & Safety Act are clear in their instruction that it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that a worker’s eyes and face are protected from any hazard that might be in the workplace. Having said this, eye and face hazards are one of the simplest hazards to identify and protect against. It’s simple: If a worker is in danger of a solid or liquid coming in contact with the eyes/face area, they need to protect accordingly.

With legislation like this in place, it’s no wonder that most workers are wearing some type of eye protection. However, foamed-lined eyewear is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing segments in eye and face protection. If you or your employees are currently not wearing foam-lined eyewear, here are the top four reasons why you should consider upgrading your eyewear protection.

  1. Reduce Injury Risks

Outdoor work in windswept conditions, or dusty and dirty environments, is ideal for upgrading to foam-lined eyewear, such as the Sand Viper™, DustDevil™, SentecDX™ and CeeTecDX™. (photo courtesy Dentec Safety)

Even though most industries have implemented eye and face protection programs for employees, injuries are still occurring. This is because dust, dirt and debris can get behind the eyewear and cause injury to the individual. Upgrading to foam-lined eyewear can reduce these types of injuries, because the foam provides a better seal around the eye and mitigates risk. That can reduce lost time injuries and insurance claims—major reasons for companies to start adopting a foam-lined eye wear program.

Industries such as oil and gas, mining (above and below ground) and aggregates have recognized the value and benefits of foam-lined eye protection and have upgraded. In addition, any outdoor work in windswept conditions, or dusty and dirty environments (i.e., construction), are ideal candidates for upgrading eye and face protection to foam-lined eyewear.

There are several types that feature such design features as:

  • Vented EVA foam-prevents eye injuries from wind, dust and debris; also hypo-allergenic
  • Fog-free system-clear vision and durability with anti-fog, scratch-resistant lens coating
  • Optional strap-for a secure goggle-like fit and no tools required
  • Impact protection
  • Replacement foam liners can help keep the eyewear working properly longer
  1. Increased Visibility

Fogging of eye protection has become a major issue, with masks being mandatory in the workplace in some places. Fogging is not only an inconvenience to the worker; it can hinder vision, which creates another hazard in the workplace. Reduced visibility or vision impairment leads to an increased risk of accidents and can interfere with an employee’s job performance and quality of work. Foam does not prevent the fogging, but anti-fog coating on the lens does. Some company’s foam-lined eyewear has anti-fog coating that prevents moisture and fogging.

  1. Increased Comfort

When it comes to comfort and fit, there is no comparison when you upgrade basic safety glasses to foam-lined eye protection. When you make the change, you also benefit from the features that provide a secure, comfortable fit, even in hot and humid conditions. There’s nothing more annoying than having to constantly re-adjust eyewear from slipping down your nose or off your face while trying to maintain focus on the task at hand. Eyewear that stays put helps provide an optimal level of protection.

Some features to look for in comfortable eye protection include:

  • Replaceable foam insert-prevents eye injuries caused by airborne dust and debris. Simple removal for easy cleaning
  • Anti-fog system-combines high performance, scratch-resistant anti-fog coating with vented foam for proper airflow
  • Non-slip comfort
  • Blocks harmful UV-polycarbonate lenses block 99.9% of harmful UVA and UVB rays
  • High-impact protection.
  • CSA-certified and meets ANIS standards

According to Dentec Safety’s President & Founder Claudio Dente, “Dentec’s Sentec™ line now has a new replaceable foam insert that will add protection against dust and debris. This works well in construction for concrete cutting and dry-wall sanding, metal and woodworking, and other applications for trades, such as textile workers, cleaners and miners.”

  1. More Affordable

There was a time when foamed-lined eyewear came with a price tag. In the last 10 years, thanks to improvements in technology and materials, they have come down in price and are more affordable. According to Dentec Safety Specialist Craig Lafferty, “Even though you are spending a little more money to upgrade your eyewear protection, your risk and injury claims can decrease dramatically when you switch to foam-lined eyewear. These upgrades can result in huge cost-savings. In 2021, being able to provide affordable foam-lined eye protection to your entire crew is a lot more reasonable. Any organization can increase safety compliance without increasing budget.”

photos courtesy Dentec Safety

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