Casella Announces May Training schedule for OSH: Webinars on Workplace Noise and Vibration

From 2005 to the present trends in employees working remotely have increased by 159%; more than 11x faster than the size the workforce as a whole has increased.[1] Demand for flexible work practices has been on the rise, and resources to meet this demand are becoming more valuable and, given the current global health situation, a necessity for many.

Casella, industry-leading world expert in monitoring solutions for noise, air sampling and vibration, has been committed to providing accessible training across its areas of core competency in the form of one-day introductory courses and on-site product training.

In 2020 Casella has expanded this commitment to offer remotely accessible, free webinars on subjects including workplace noise, dust and air monitoring, instrumentation usage and best practice and introductory courses on Occupational Health topics.

Throughout May Casella will be offering the following free webinars;

May 7thIntroduction to Hand Arm Vibration

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a serious condition with incurable long-term health effects that can be prevented with correct exposure control measures. The webinar covers terminology, legislation, exposure limits and calculating exposure levels.

May 14th – Introduction to Workplace Noise

Controlling workplace noise exposure is vital, and this webinar covers terminology, noise dose calculation and instrument selection to support safety managers in taking the right steps to protect workers.

May 26th – Use of Sound Level Meters (SLMs) and Noise Dosimeter; the best practice guide

Covering the ‘dos and don’ts’ of noise monitoring instruments and featuring a best practice guide to ensuring measurements are taken and read correctly, the webinar also covers when to use each instrument and the pros and cons of both.

The full schedule of Casella 2020 webinars is available on the Casella website, and registration is free.

“We’ve worked to ensure that our webinars enable participants to gain substantial knowledge and confidence in each topic and a broad understanding of equipment, controls and best practices. At Casella, we’re dedicated to reducing occupational and environmental health risks through effective monitoring solutions. Our continuing innovation and training support ensures the next generation have the latest technology and expertise in occupational and environmental risk measurement”, says Tim Turney, Global Marketing Manager at Casella.

To find out more about Casella’s course schedule or book a place, visit or call +44(0)1234844100

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