Virtual Round Table on January 11th – Register Today!
As we kick off the new year, we’re excited to invite you to the NHCA Virtual Round Table on January 11, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM EST. This engaging online event will offer a sneak peek into the thought-provoking topics scheduled for discussion at the upcoming 2024 National Hearing Conservation Association meeting in Albuquerque, NM.
Here’s a glimpse of what to expect:
Film Screening: The Quietest Year, 2021
Join us for a special screening of the documentary highlighting a community’s challenges with noise. Les Blomberg from the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse will shed light on community noise, noise ordinances, legislation, and enforcement.
Professional Service Providers (PSPs) Discussion
Amy Blank (US Army) and Karen Turner (ProTec) will lead a discussion on the pivotal role of PSPs. Explore questions like: What is their role? Where do they work? How did they get started in the field?
Impulse Noise: Measurement and Protection
Greg Flamme (SASRAC) will provide valuable insights on measuring, assessing, and protecting workers from impulse noise, offering essential knowledge to mitigate the risk of hearing loss.
Hearing Protector Fit Testing
Following the recent International Hearing Protector Fit Testing Symposium, Laurie Wells (3M) will tackle questions on selecting protectors, fit testing options, and existing standards for hearing protector fit testing.
NHCA Conference Reminder
Bill Murphy (SASRAC) will wrap up the round table, reminding us about the upcoming NHCA conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed and connected.
This event is free for both NHCA members and non-members. Join the conversation, gain valuable insights, and connect with professionals passionate about hearing conservation.
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