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The Importance of Hygiene in the Future of the Workplace

February 7, 2022

By: Michael Zalle, Contributor Did you know that private industry employers reported a decrease of 5.7% in non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses between 2019 and 2020? This seems to be promising for the future of safety in the workplace but, in actuality, this statistic coincides with a startling fact. According to the Bureau of Labor…


Upgrade Respiratory Protection—Now!

February 7, 2022

By: Dentec Safety, Contributor COVID is not going away any time soon. Omicron cases continue to surge in the U.S. and other countries worldwide. On January 23rd, 2022, an article in cityam.com announced: “Various media across Scandinavia and the UK are reporting the emergence of a new Covid variant that is so infectious and spreading…


Preventing Devastating Repetitive Stress Injuries in the Workplace

February 7, 2022

By: Kristen Cederlind, OTR/L, Contributor In a world where there is an unprecedented labor shortage and more employees seem to be going than coming, it is crucial to keep the employees you do have. But, more than just retaining these employees, you need to keep them healthy, productive and injury-free. You can accomplish that by…


Noise Control in the Workplace

February 7, 2022

By: Phillip Rauscher MPH, CIH, CSP, Contributor When one thinks of an effective hearing conservation program, there are a few things that often come to mind. The first elements are an in-depth audiogram in which a skilled technician or medical professional provides feedback on results—good or bad—to help the employee make sound decisions when in…


Keeping Lone Workers Safe

February 7, 2022

By: Doug Niemtschk, CIH, CSP, Contributor People working in field operations who work alone face different risks than those who work with a team. Safety professionals and industrial hygienists in any industry would not debate this fact. The question comes when someone asks, “What’s the risk of me working alone, and what do I do…


Impulsive Noise: A Challenge to Measure

February 7, 2022

Bang! Crack! Pop! Impulsive noise is generated by firearms, hammer strikes and even balloons. Technically, gunshots and explosions (including firecrackers or balloons) produce “impulse” noise, while objects that collide (such as hammers, punch presses and drums) generate “impact” noise. While the manner of sound generation is different for impulse and impact noise, there are commonalities in the actual waveforms.…


How Has COVID-19 Affected Environmental Compliance?

February 7, 2022

By: Justin Scace, Contributor The global COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a spotlight on the modern environmental, health and safety (EHS) function—and its professionals—more than ever before. COVID-19’s impact on employee health and safety is often discussed, but what about the impacts on environmental compliance? As we near the two-year anniversary of the declaration of COVID-19…


Connectivity: Transforming the Industrial Hygiene Sampling Pump

February 7, 2022

How Bluetooth technology and mobile applications provide smarter, more streamlined sampling By: Dr. Ang Keng Been, Contributor Industrial hygiene monitoring is transforming in the advent of this digital age, bringing to the hands of practitioners more efficient tools than ever before. Wireless technology in personal air sampling pumps is becoming one of the most popular…


Fixed Gas Detection: Issues and Answers

January 24, 2022

Dealing with the actual or potential presence of dangerous gases and vapors in the workplace involves a complex series of decisions. Decisions related to “what to do” should be implemented by means of an integrated protection plan based on a hierarchy of priorities. The most desirable approach—when feasible—is to implement engineering controls and practices that…