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Effective Hearing Loss Prevention Programs must Consider both Occupational and Non-occupational Noise

September 6, 2022

Hearing loss prevention programs (HLPPs) are essential to prevent occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). At a minimum, these programs must include noise measurements, noise controls and worker training; as well as use of hearing protection devices where exposures cannot be reduced through noise controls; and audiometric testing. One vital but often overlooked topic for effective…


Air Sampling vs. Dispersion Modeling During the COVID-19 Pandemic

September 6, 2022

By: Bernard L. Fontaine, Jr., CIH, CSP, FAIHA, Contributor As the American economy recovers and workers return to work, there is concern the air may contain the SARS CoV-2 virus. This is especially of concern if it is found there is no long-term immunity from recovered individuals. People in various industries may work and/or live…


How to Safely Recover Combustible Dust

September 6, 2022

When most people think of controlling dust in the workplace, they think of taking steps to avoid inhaling dusts to prevent health problems. However, the accumulation of combustible dusts in the workplace can lead to far greater consequences. As seen in recent years, neglect of housekeeping and improper handling of combustible dusts can lead to…


Technology-Driven Behavior Change

September 6, 2022

By: Mackenzie Wilson, Contributor When I was a child (nine years old), I asked my father the seemingly simple question: “If you know what you should do, why don’t you do it?” He had been meaning to clean out his closet for years and still hadn’t done it. At the time, this made no sense…


How a Hazmat Response Network Can Protect Your Company

September 6, 2022

By: Josh Lovan, Contributor Think about the following scenario involving an accident that occurs after-hours on a Friday evening: Your linehaul supervisor receives a call from a driver who struck road debris and punctured a fuel tank. Thinking it’s a small incident, the supervisor calls a wrecker company to respond to the scene. The wrecker company…


Six Steps for Selecting PPE for the Oil & Gas Industry

September 4, 2022

By: Eric Van Wely and Reiyao Zhu, Contributors Workers in the oil & gas and petrochemical industries perform many high-risk tasks that involve exposure to multiple hazards. In some cases, these high-risk tasks are also performed under extreme weather conditions and in remote locations. A broad range of personal protective equipment (PPE) solutions are needed…


The “Right Stuff:” Chemical Protection & Gloves

September 4, 2022

By: Barbara T. Nessinger, Editor-in-Chief Employees where chemicals are manufactured are obviously at risk for hand injuries due to chemical exposure. Other industries are also high-risk for such hazards (i.e., mining, painting, construction, welding, etc.). Selecting the right chemical- resistant glove for the job can be a complicated (and often confusing) task. Today’s safety managers…


Portable Gas Detection Equipment: Do You Have the Right Tools for the Job?

September 4, 2022

By: Dante Moore, Contributor On the job, do you know that your gas detectors will protect you? Do you have the right equipment to keep you safe and get the job done? With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to know what gas detectors will meet your needs. Proper training on…


Breathing Easier with Digital Solutions

September 4, 2022

By: Sean Baldry, CRSP, Contributor Some jobs are inherently risky. And, while employee risks manifest in a variety of forms, those that are not easily visible or are hard to detect are arguably some of the most dangerous. A detailed and sobering report released in late 2021 by the World Health Organization and the International…


Mastering Welding Performance & Safety Requirements

September 4, 2022

By: Peter Deutsch, Contributor The performance and safety requirements in welding are becoming more stringent. All welders in industry and workshops notice this every day, due to the ever-increasing pressure to perform. How can you deal with these rising demands on the welder with confidence? It’s simple: Integrate the best technology into a welding helmet…