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NFPA 660: Consolidated Combustible Dust Standards

July 30, 2024

“Pneumatic vacuums play a critical role in maintaining compliance with combustible dust (comdust) regulations. The HafcoVac uses compressed air instead of electrical components, eliminating potential ignition sources and aligning with safety standards set by organizations like OSHA and NFPA. By effectively capturing and containing dust utilizing HEPA Filtration, the HafcoVac prevents dust accumulation and dispersion,…


Listen Up! From the NHCA Experts…

July 30, 2024

Hearing Protector Fit-Testing: Beyond the NRR Selecting and fitting hearing protectors is not as simple as checking the manufacturer-labeled noise reduction rating (NRR). The NRR, a laboratory measure based on the amount of noise reduction obtained by a group of individuals under ideal conditions, serves as a reference point to determine hearing protector suitability. However,…


Exposed & at Risk: Make Employees Safe Working in the Elements

July 30, 2024

By: Gen Handley, Contributor When people work alone, they are incredibly vulnerable. And, when they are working alone out in the elements, the safety of these employees can be at significant risk. People who work outside and in isolation, exposed to extreme weather and temperatures, face major safety challenges, because these are occupational circumstances in…


Ways To Keep Your Welding Workspace Safe

July 30, 2024

By: Dan Coconate, Contributor Protect yourself and your workspace with these essential welding safety tips. Learn about proper gear, ventilation and other elements for a safe environment. Welding is a versatile and indispensable process in various industries, from construction and manufacturing to automotive and aerospace. It involves the fusion of materials—typically metals—using intense heat to…


Confined Spaces: Eliminating Chute Entry with an External Wear Liner

July 30, 2024

By: Daniel Marshall, Contributor The wear liner on a belt conveyor transfer point is essentially considered a sacrificial layer. Removal and replacement is a grueling job that could require multiple workers and days of scheduled downtime. Conventional wear liners have historically been installed inside the chute, but modern designs are placed on the outside—improving skirtboard…


Technology Matters: Next-Gen Sensors

July 30, 2024

By: Todd Hardwick, Contributor Any business leader will tell you the health and safety of your employees is invaluable. From a moral, legal and financial standpoint, it has to be taken seriously and made a priority. In industrial applications particularly, there is no room for technological error. When searching for the right equipment and technology…


Know Your Respiratory Fit-Testing Protocols

July 30, 2024

Current respirator fit-testing protocols and the impact of OSHA’s modified 1910.134 standard on respiratory protection program implementation & resource allocation By: Rob Brauch, Contributor Fit-testing of tight-fitting respirators has been required to be part of a written respiratory protection program (RPP) under US DOL OSHA 1910.134 for decades. The standard covers both qualitative (QLFT) and…


Meet ESG Goals with the Right Tools

July 30, 2024

How field service organizations are successfully meeting ESG goals with the utilization of field service management tools Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards have become a hallmark of organizational expertise. In previous years, the corporate stance on ESG issues was a bit more of a public relations tactic, but it’s now clear that ESG programs…


Best Practice When Air Sampling for Silica: The Deadly Dust

July 30, 2024

By: Tim Turney, Contributor Silica dust is a scourge on industrial working environments that can be a deadly presence if not controlled appropriately. Silica is abundant as a constituent part of many of the organic materials found in construction, mining, quarrying and manufacturing worksites; and it is found naturally formed as quartz. Recently, silica dust…


Heat Stress in the Workplace: OSHA’s Continuing Actions

July 30, 2024

By: Ray Chishti, Contributor In response to the increasing concern regarding heat-related illnesses and fatalities in the workplace, OSHA has taken pro- active measures by initiating rulemaking activities. The objective is to establish comprehensive guidelines that aim to prevent and mitigate heat stress. By setting clear requirements for employers across various industries, OSHA’s efforts prioritize…