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November/December 2023

Leverage Mobile Apps & Technology For Lone/Remote Workers

November 21, 2023

By: Gen Handley, Contributor Whichever industry you’re in, chances are high that you will be required to work alone at some point. This might be in a remote location of a large facility/plant or a rural area. Regardless of your job, there may be times when you’re alone and, as a result, more vulnerable to…


Listen Up! From the NHCA Experts…

November 21, 2023

Measurement Basics: Don’t Push the Limits By: Donald Finan, Contributor Your sound level meter may be trying to tell you something: It has limits, as do we all. Depending on how far you push someone’s limits, you may receive a very clear response. For sound level meters, the response might not be quite as clear…


Solutions to Avoid Irreversible Hearing Damage in the Workplace

November 21, 2023

By: Pete Murphy, Contributor What comes to mind when you think of ways to protect yourself on the job? Goggles or glasses to protect your eyes; gloves to protect your hands; and a hard hat to protect your head—but what about hearing protection for your ears? Like all PPE, hearing protection is essential to avoid…


The Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation: A 50 Year Perspective

November 21, 2023

By: J. Andrew Merkley, AuD, CCC-A, CPS/A, CAOHC Council Chair As of August 2023, the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) celebrates its 50th anniversary of promoting best practices in occupational hearing conservation across the U.S. Historical Perspective The origin of the Council dates back to the mid-1960s, when the American Association of…


Dust, Fumes & Dangerous Gasses

November 21, 2023

How personal air sampling pumps can protect employees from unseen dangers By: Tim Turney, Contributor Many industrial workers are exposed to some amount of potentially hazardous dust, fumes, gasses or vapors every day at their place of work. The latest statistics by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) found that in 2021, 551 fatalities were…


FAQs: How Can Dust from Manufacturing Packaging Materials Harm Workers

November 21, 2023

Editor’s Note: The following article first ran in IHW’s sister publication, Packaging Technology Today, in 2023. For the original article, go to https://tinyurl.com/bdbkb6f8 . What’s so dangerous about dust? Put simply, dust is the largest contributor to poor indoor air quality (IAQ), and poor IAQ leads to health problems and combustible dust incidents. Airborne metal,…


The Fundamental Importance of Fit

November 21, 2023

Overview of the ASTM F3407 Standard Test Method for Respirator Fit Capability By: Christopher Coffey, Ph.D.; Lisa Brosseau, ScD, CIH; M. E. Bonnie Rogers, Dr, PH; and Jonathan Szalajda, MS One of the most important criteria for any filtering facepiece air-purifying respirator to be effective is that a good seal is formed between the respirator’s…


Deadly Dust

November 6, 2023

Silica: Stealing Lives for Centuries Approximately 2.3 million professionals face exposure to crystalline silica at work. In 2016, OSHA updated the exposure regulations for silica for the first time since 1971. Two years later, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported on the largest cluster of black lung disease among active coal…