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Radians Enters Particulate Respirator Market

February 26, 2019

Radians, Inc., a top-tier manufacturer and supplier of quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), has added particulate respirators to their product mix. “Our new N95 particulate respirators represent another avenue to protect workers with a mainstream safety product that helps improve lung health,” said Radians President, Bill England. “The inclusion of them in our product mix…


PIP Offers New Expanded Lineup of Safety Works® Brand Respirators

February 26, 2018

Protective Industrial Products, Inc. (PIP) is proud to announce the launch of our new Safety Works® series of Respiratory Products. Working with a longstanding global partner, this comprehensive line expands PIP’s offering to include 40 respiratory products including P100 and N100 filtering face pieces, as well as, half and full mask air-purifying respirators with multiple…