Nanozen’s personal wearable dust monitors are designed to provide solutions for both general exposure management and for the industry dust management stakeholders, specifically Industrial Hygienists/HSE staff, workers, and company management. Our dust monitors are deployed globally in a broad range of industries and can be tailored for specific needs by our value-added resellers and solution partners.
Nanozen’s DustCount monitors provide ease of setup, ease of remote management in the field, and ease of data collection. These features are aimed at lowering the effort required by the hygienist and HSE staff to perform particulate monitoring activities, gather and analyze results, increasing silica dust monitoring effectiveness through automation, networking, and built-in analysis tools.
For workers, our dust monitoring solutions provide ease of mobility, automated operation, and health monitoring assistance through exposure alarm and detailed exposure data. These features are designed to make the experience better for mobile workers in and around the various areas of high exposure during their shift.
For managers, our dust monitoring solutions provide better results with lower cost and traceable, transparent proof of company action to reduce worker exposure. By proactively monitoring and minimizing silica dust exposure, your social licenses and ESG indexes will be improved, leading to healthier workers and communities in which you work.