Build Your Resume and Contribute to Hearing Loss Prevention
Communication is key! We have two immediate openings that are critical for communicating to our NHCA members and the entire field of hearing conservation. This happens through our newsletters, Website and targeted communications.
First, we are seeking a Director of Communication (DOC) to finish out the current term ending in February 2025. This volunteer will be responsible for working with the Spectrum and e-News Editors, providing final approval for the newsletters and other communications, and Website content management. The DOC does not do this alone – this is a team effort and mentoring will be provided! If interested, please contact Elizabeth Masterson at
Second, we are seeking our next NHCA e-News Editor. This volunteer will curate our monthly electronic compilation of NHCA news and events, developments in hearing loss prevention and sound appreciation. Mentoring will be provided! To learn more, please contact our current e-News Editor at
We Need You. While a time commitment is involved, both positions are very rewarding and look good on the resume. Thank you in advance for stepping up and helping NHCA and our field!
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