Tablet-Based Hearing Testing

Photo courtesy of Examinetics

We sat down with the folks at Examinetics to discuss the companys recent launch of a unique hearing conservation solution. Read about their state-of-the-art, tablet-based testing platform and other innovative solutions for hearing protection/conservation.

1. Last year, Examinetics launched Salux™, described as an “innovative, tablet-based hearing conservation solution.” Can you tell us more about what this involves?

Our Salux Audiometric Solution is an easy-to-use, turnkey hearing testing platform, hosted on a tablet. Salux has state-of-the art technology and equipment that can be used on-demand or onsite inside our mobile units or in a conference room.

We have the only solution that was developed by a hearing conservation company with deep understanding of the unique needs of the regulatory compliance space. This technology was developed to provide increased flexibility with scheduling and testing location, save companies money, and give the option to administer in-house testing.

2. How did the company develop the Salux solution?

As a company that prides itself on continuous improvement, we identified the pain points our clients were having with hearing conservation programs and set out to solve them with a holistic approach. While there are multiple options for testing, no single one can solve all the various needs of any one workplace.

So, our audiology and technology teams worked closely with operations to develop a system that takes the best parts of all the current options – mobile unit testing, clinic testing, and portable audiometers – and combines them into one convenient, seamless, and complete hearing testing solution.

3. What professional needs might this hearing conservation solution meet?

Addressing client business needs was top of mind when developing Salux. Our solution provides a platform to meet the unique challenges of regulatory compliance.

Safety managers and plant operators need flexible and affordable solutions that help minimize the productivity loss associated with compliance…and Salux provides that. Additionally, acquiring and maintaining the vital data needed for regulatory demands is a constant struggle solved by the data management capabilities of the program.

4. How can the Salux solution help professionals in the safety space meet regulatory compliance requirements? Which specific OSHA or other regulatory standards can be addressed?

Staying compliant with the OSHA standard for Occupational Noise Exposure (29 CFR 1910.95) has never been easier.

Whether testing with one of our technicians or doing self-adminstered testing, Salux was designed with regulatory compliance in mind. The software walks you through required daily equipment & room validations, while we provide the comprehensive annual calibration and maintenance. A training video is part of the employee experience so you can meet the training requirement of the standard. We offer a tele-technician option for when you need CAOHC-certified oversight and don’t have that capability. And the streamlined recordable shift follow-up process creates the simplest and most convenient way to keep logs accurate.

5. What types of services and/or data can your in-house audiologists provide?

Our in-house team of audiologists have always been an integral part of Examinetics’ success. Having their input in our testing solution and overseeing processes ensures we are meeting regulatory standards and gives our clients the peace of mind they need. Our audiologists design all programs, review problem audiograms, and can provide work-relatedness evaluations to help keep accurate OSHA and MSHA logs. Access to an audiologist is included when you do on-demand testing, unlike some other audiometer solutions.

6. What is the difference between “on-site” or “on-demand” hearing testing?

Since we are the only provider offering both mobile unit and tablet hearing testing, we have different methods of testing to cover varied customer needs.

On-Site hearing testing is administered by one of our technicians at your facility on one of our mobile units or conducted in an appropriate conference room.

On-Demand testing is overseen by a self-appointed administrator on your staff at your facility with a Salux kit sent directly to you. This is a convenient option for small companies or facilities in remote locations, and a new option for large in-house programs looking for a better hearing testing process for their audiologist or nursing staff.

Photo courtesy of Examinetics

7. What type of on-site options does the company provide?

You have the option of having one of our trained technicians come to you to conduct testing inside one of our mobile units in your parking lot. With Salux, you can now move to a conference room to avoid bad weather or account for physical distancing. Testing in a conference room can speed up testing flow rates with the option to test 4, 6, or 8 employees at a time. Whenever we perform on-site testing, services include testing, training, and counseling.

8. How can Examinetics help companies who want to utilize do-it-yourself, or on-demand-type testing?

Many companies want to perform do-it-yourself hearing testing but may have some trepidation. With Salux you are getting much more support and convenience beyond just having an audiometer mailed to you.

Several unique features that come with Salux to support an On-Demand approach include: an integrated video to meet OSHA training requirements, options for 12 different languages with text-to-speech functionality, a video tele-technician for when you require CAOHC certification or just want extra support for your employees, dedicated audiologists that work for Examinetics to support your review, live support via phone or email, and turnkey data management.

Its not ship it and forget it from our team – we are here to help you through your testing and entire hearing conservation program.

9. How can companies subscribe to a portable audiometer, and how does that subscription work?

There are several ways to subscribe to Salux. An Annual Subscription puts you in control all year long to use for hearing conservation program annual testing, any retesting needs, and new employees or exit audiograms. You can schedule however you want – batch testing, date of birth, date of hire, or any other way convenient for you.

The Short-Term Rental options are for two weeks or one month. This is ideal when you have a smaller number of employees for annual testing, a make-up or retesting session, or new hire events.

10. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about Examinetics or the Salux solutions?

You now have options from one single company tailored for your specific needs to make staying compliant less stressful. No matter the method you choose, Examinetics’ clients will still receive all the existing services already included with our mobile unit testing.

Technology alone is not a disruptor. Our differentiation is the ability to give our clients the best of both worlds…truly innovative digital technology along with the onsite support of 130 mobile units and 150 certified technicians covering the entire U.S., strengthened by the deep expertise of a company doing hearing conservation for fifty years.

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